I/we understand that by participating at Cheerletics Royalty All Stars, LLC and or by joining Cheerletics Royalty All Stars, LLC either on a team, classes, individual or any other activities/participation, there is a possibility of injury to my daughter/son. With this understanding, I give my child permission to participate and attend any activities held at Cheerletics Royalty All Stars, LLC.
1/we the undersigned parents/legal guardians agree to forever release the Cheerletics Royalty, LLC owners, Board of Directors, Coaches, Employees and Volunteers from any claims, actions, right of action, damages, costs, loss of service, expenses, compensations and attorney's fees that may have risen in the past, or arise from the future, directly or indirectly from known or unknown personal injuries due to participation in any and all programs, classes, or activities associated with or at Cheerletics Royalty All Stars, LLC. We further release against any and all legal claims and proceedings of any description that may have been asserted in the past, or may be asserted in the future, directly or indirectly, including damages, costs and attorney's fees arising from my child's participation with Cheerletics Royalty All Stars, LCC in the gym or while participating in activities. I/we further confirm that we have read this consent and release liabilities and that 1/we understand the contents of this agreement. I/we understand that my child's participation in this event is voluntary and that participants are free to not participate in Cheerletics Royalty All Stars, LLC programs/events.
1/we understand that if I/we do not follow all the rules set forth by Cheerletics Royalty All Stars, LLC owners, coaches and staff, that my child's membership from Cheerletics Royalty All Stars, LLC may be terminated. I understand that being involved in any activities at Cheerletics Royalty All Stars, LLC that my child's photo and/or may appear in advertisement, flyers, videos and/or the Cheerletics Royalty All Stars, LLC website or social media sites. I understand that Full names will be omitted.